Our Approach

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Business leaps come from disruption

The greatest leaps in products and services come from pursuing what’s possible, not just what’s better. To make a better mousetrap, we start with asking how to have a mouse-free house and not how the mouse got away.

Cultural shifts come from conversion

Affecting beliefs and behaviors begins with meeting people where they’re at to find a way to come together. Common ground and shared values are where people from all walks of life can see, agree, and pursue a shared vision.


Our Principles

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people, not profiles

What if the starting point wasn’t about putting people into groups, but about embracing their individuality?

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stop “slicing the pie”

Traditional targeting and segmentation looks at people lumped together by characteristics - whose similarities are often only skin deep.

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rethink connectivity

We identify communities based on how individuals connect. What passions bring them together? What circumstances?

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JOINED by interests

These connections create human networks that share beliefs and values - more predictive than past behaviors

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be radically pragmatic

Human networks organically open the door to scale and extending authentically.